Feedbackmöglichkeit: Entweder hier (offen) oder über "Kontakte" Mail an's OK (privat)

Kommentare: 5
  • #5

    Maya (Donnerstag, 04 Juli 2024 10:13)


    If you're a professional and you'd like to make running your online presence a breeze, we got you covered!

    Having led over 2000 nationwide companies to success like your business Folkfestival, we've discovered a common secret among them: A company is what it shows. The first impression is as important as it seems.

    Stunning, user-friendly and affordable websites for all devices with packages starting at just £299. Meet our team #1 in web design here in the UK and get an obligation free demo this week!

    What is the best phone number to reach you at?

  • #4

    Margaret (Dienstag, 28 Mai 2024 13:58)

    Hello, I’ve seen Folkfestival on Google Maps and I’d like to know if you receive new customers through that channel.

    We have increased our clients' sales in your sector by over 80% improving their position on these maps. With this professional business profile on Google Maps, we can help you connect with your customers and reach new ones.

    I think it could be a great opportunity for Folkfestival

    Would you send me a phone number so we can discuss further? Thank you.

  • #3

    Bernhard Mändli (Mittwoch, 16 Juni 2021 08:23)

    Wann gibt es Neuigkeiten auf dieser Homepage? Sicher warten viele Tänzerinnen und Tänzer ungeduldig auf das nächste FolkFestival und würden sich über einen Hinweis freuen! Herzliche GRüsse an's OK!

  • #2

    Bernhard Mändli (Mittwoch, 25 September 2019 00:27)

    Tolle Fotos vom Festival!

  • #1

    Thomas Berger (Dienstag, 27 August 2019 23:27)

    Der Feedback Blog fürs FolkFestival 2019 ist eröffnet.
    Bitte schreibt uns was gut war, aber bitte auch wo wir noch etwas verbessern können!